Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekly Geeks- Time Capsule

I thought this weeks Weekly Geeks was perfect. I'm supposed to do a time capsule of any point in my life. I decided to choose a time in my life where I just started liking reading and music. I was around 4 to 7 years old. Before we continue though I would like to share with you little Lexi.
When I was around 6 years old I had short blond hair and midget sized dimples. I smiled and skipped around a lot, and always had a book with me. I remember pinching my 4 year old brother when I got mad at him, and later in life him getting back at me by scraching one of my chicken pox spots. To this day I still have the scar. Still, I was a quite well mannered for a six year old. I always said please and thank you, answered the phone the corret way, and did what my parents told me too. I was an honors student and got the smartest girl in my class award. I still remember my friend saying her award was better beause she got something like best painter and her certificate had a craft the back. I just snapped back at her that they were same and everyones was great. Life was great and the world was great. I didn't know about war or death and as far as was concerned life went on forever.
My favorite books at the time were: Rainbow Magic,Disney Princesses Collection (is that what it's called?), and many other short books about sparkly fishes and a 'big' chapter book about a magical pony. Now I've reread some of the books I think to myself that I was crazy. I mean magical fairy kingdoms? Flying ponies? But I also see how I liked them because they took me to another world.
I also enjoyed music from Disney Channel and other interesting music like Britany Spears and the popular radio songs.
Soon I think I'll drag one of my old books put and do a review on it as well as post my old favorite song with it. No one ever told me Weekly Geeks couldn't go on forever. Or did they?

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